Thursday, April 29, 2010

Worry worry worry... And still worry.

For the last few days Leslie has been feeling like crap. She has been complaining of a constant back pain. It has really been bringing her down. She has been sick constantly for the past week. She scheduled herself to see a back doctor until this coworker of hers she really really dislikes and wishes was unemployed and homeless for the rest of her life told her that it might be a kidney infection. This was a blessing. She rescheduled for her primary doctor and finally made her way there. The doctors did their thing, and when we finally heard from the doctor just a few minutes ago, they said that her blood work came back clean. She either has some kind of virus or has an ovarian cyst.
What is the point of all this? Well we were (and still to some extent are) thinking her pain was due to the fact of appendicitis. The thought of having the one I love in surgery was terrifying. I kept telling myself that it was a routine and normal type of surgery that people go through everyday. Did that help me? No. Not one bit. Not at all. How does one cope with having a loved one hurting? This is a very simple thing, I cannot imagine how I would be worrying if we found out she had cancer. I don't know how I would cope. Am I being a baby? Am I being irrational for pulling out my hair, chewing my nails down to bits and getting absolutely no sleep over a simple appendectomy? I do not know. All I know is that seeing your loved one hurt hurts. Worrying over them becomes a full-time job. I just praise God that she does not have something more serious. He is who I have to give my worry too. He is who I have to give my doubt to in any situation. I know that this experience will add another level of stress during my time at Basic Training: worrying about her health. I will just have to look to God to be her protector and watch over her while I am away.

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